Detroit Economic Growth Corporation ( DEGC) has provided us with some resources for small businesses of all sizes. Click the links below to learn more about each resource.
-See info for specific business criteria
Business must:
Employ between 3 and 20 people
Be located in an economically vulnerable community
Have been harmed financially by the COVID-19 pandemic
Business must:
Be identified as a small business, which is a business that employs fewer than 100 employees or has revenue of approximately $1MM or less
Be in good standing with county, state and not in delinquency with creditors, prior to this COVID-19 emergency
Have suffered substantial hardship (at least 25% loss of revenue) due to COVID-19 emergency and will use proceeds to assist with that hardship
Access up to $25K in grant funding from the Level One Bank [Apply] For more information on this and about the grant please Contact Mr. David G. Watkins at 248-871-0943 at Level One Bank.
SheaMoisture launches a $1 Million Fund [Apply] Applications opened on 4/8 and have a quick turnaround. This fund is designed to support entrepreneurs of color.
Apply to Spanx Red Backpack fund's $5 Million fund [Apply] This fund targets women entrepreneurs. Applications opened 4/6.
Win cash grant and Facebook Ad Credit [Apply] Facebook is offering $100 Million for up to 30,000 small businesses.
Access a small business grant from Hello Alice [Get More Info] Hello Alice is offering $10,000 grants to help small business owners
Visit DEGC.org for more information on COVID-19 business resources like grants, loans, and business education.